Let’s chat about it, feeling body conscious in the winter. It’s almost obvious, and more talked about feeling body conscious in the summer when you are wearing little clothing. But it’s not talked about a lot during the colder, winter months, when motivation is at an all time low, and comfort foods become more and more reached for.
Graphics by Emma Faulkner. Woman image credit: by Ron Lach on Unsplash. Cinnamon Roll image credit: Nick Bratanek On Unsplash. Alarm clock image credit: Anete Lusina on Pexels
Feeling ‘fluffy’
Maybe this is just me and my own personal journey, but I have been looking in the mirror a lot thinking I just look fluffier.
In the summer, I am so body conscious that I probably eat healthier and drink more water, etc.
But in the winter, when you can add more layers and not see yourself as much, it becomes easier to say yes to the warm drink and sweet treat.
I just want to preface that it is OKAY to have a warm drink, a sweet treat, some biscuits with your tea. It is actually so enjoyable and makes me so happy.
I forget that me looking in the mirror feeling like I look ‘fluffier’, has actually been made up of all of these happy moments allowing myself to have a little treat.
You aren’t going to be your leanest 12 months out of the year. There are going to be times, especially as a woman, where your weight fluctuates and you don’t feel as confident.
What do I do when I feel down about looking fluffier
- I ask myself ‘have I been awfully unhealthy and lazy and not took care of myself?’. The answer to that is usually ‘no’. So if I have gained weight, but I am still taking care of myself, then it is okay.
- I dress confidently. Whenever I am feeling particularly body conscious, I make sure to choose an outfit I feel really confident in. You dress FOR however your body is looking now.
- I make sure I am still eating balanced meals and getting nutrients, as well as sweet treats in my body. I won’t ever restrict food, if I really fancy something, I will have it. However, I make sure that I am still eating nutritious meals on top of my sweet treats. It’s not about what food you take away, it’s about what you add.
- I am kind to myself. If a family member gained weight, you would never say unkind words towards them, so we are not doing that towards ourselves. Take away this standard of beauty that you are setting for yourself, and just let yourself enjoy life and be happy.
Eating more…
I don’t know about anyone else, but in the colder months, I am eating more (or at least more calories).
In the summer and the warm weather, refreshing fruit and smoothies sound amazing. But in the winter and colder weather, hot chocolates and cinnamon rolls sound amazing.
You naturally gravitate towards certain foods in different months, and that is absolutely okay.
You are probably gaining weight because there is more calories in a cinnamon roll than a bowl of fruit.
And if you’re still wanting to eat balanced and keep the nutrition from the fruit, but also have the cinnamon roll, then that is more calories than a simple bowl of fruit.
But let’s FORGET about the calories. The main thing to look for is eating until you feel comfortably full, and satisfied.
How to be satisfied from a meal?
- Have a protein, carb and fat in your meal to keep you satisfied and fuller for longer.
- Honour your cravings. If you try and substitute the thing you are really craving, for a ‘healthier option’ then you are STILL going to be craving what you are actually craving, so just eat it.
- Eat until you are comfortably full. There’s multiple times when I have ate until I was feeling TOO full, like I was going to POP. We don’t need to do this, it just makes us feel uncomfortable.
Lack of motivation
I don’t know about anyone else, but as it gets colder, and the mornings are darker, I really struggle to get out of bed.
The amount of times that I have missed working out, or had to cut my workout short because I couldn’t get out of bed in the morning is REAL.
It is so easy to feel more body conscious when you aren’t on top of your game and you are struggling to stay consistent.
But, like most things in life, if you are taken out of your routine, it’s going to take some time to adjust.
The clocks changing, the darker mornings and darker nights, it’s changed your normal routine and body clock.
So don’t be too hard on yourself, it is going to take a little bit of time to get used to the change and get back into a routine.
What helps me get back into a routine:
- Make a realistic to do list. There’s nothing more demotivating than making a to do list that is unrealistic, and not being able to complete it. Making a realistic to do list, means that you are most likely going to complete it, which makes you feel good and motivated.
- I love the Hello day planner: https://www.hellodayplanner.com/
- Small goals. If you used to wake up at 6am, but are now snoozing your alarm until 7:30am, don’t expect to automatically start waking up at 6am again. Start waking up at 7:15am, then 7am, then 6:45am… you get the gist.
- Reward yourself. I’m not even talking about buying yourself gifts (which you could totally do by the way). I’m talking about planning something into your day that you get to look forward to, after completing a task or goal. This could be making yourself a matcha, this could be getting to read your book ONLY after you have done this task. Anything that’s going to motivate you to get it done.
Remember that it’s okay to have a little set back. You aren’t always going to be hitting your goals and having a perfect workout week, that’s just unrealistic.
This is all about sustainability. You won’t be able to sustain being on top of your game EVERY single day. Sometimes you need to have set backs and breaks, to recharge and get yourself ready to go again.
Not everything has to be about your body
Especially as a woman, everything I do, I am always thinking about my body.
I am always striving to get a better body, feel better about my body, I am just generally more conscious about my body and how I look, etc.
Sometimes you need to take a step back, and realise that not everything in life has to be about your appearance.
It is so hard to say, because I am so guilty of it.
But, when I think about people I know, people I don’t know, anyone, I am not thinking about their body.
I am thinking about the times we have spent together, characteristics about them that I love, who they are as a person.
And if I don’t know who they are as a person, say it’s a celebrity for example, I am thinking about what they do, are they a singer, I am admiring who they are for THEM.
And yes of course I stare in awe if I ever see someone with a ‘perfect’ body. But people are so much more than their bodies.
Things that are more important than your body
- The sound you make when you laugh
- How you love people
- The way you like people to love you
- Your hobbies
- Your favourite colour and why
- Your favourite movies and songs and why
- Your favourite memories from your childhood
They are only a few examples of things that are MUCH more important than your physical appearance, and why you should focus on the things that make you happy, rather than changing everything to try and look a certain way.
Of course some people feel better after going through a body transformation. And that’s great, the main thing is that they are happier. You too can go through a body transformation, if you have a goal to lose or gain weight. But make sure you are doing things that make you happy.
Maybe pick a workout you love, eat everything you love in moderation, make sure you make time for people you love, activities you love, etc.
Feeling paler
I don’t know about anyone else, but I THRIVE in the summer.
Feeling sun kissed and golden (obviously wearing sunscreen and being as safe as possible in the sun) is an unmatched feeling (for me).
When it comes to the winter months and my body starts getting paler, I almost feel like I NEED to self tan to be confident.
My confidence level is purely based off of whether I have self tanned, and I know I am not alone in saying that.
Maybe it’s because I rarely let myself be paler, that I am not used to seeing myself so pale, therefore making me think I look different or not as good.
Embrace your paleness
I’m not saying I am never going to fake tan again, but I’m definitely trying to embrace my pale skin in the winter, and not rely on fake tan for my confidence.
It doesn’t have to be a restrictive thing…
Now that I am not looking tan, I am experimenting with new makeup and new clothes to compliment being paler.
I also just feel clean, not having constant product all over my skin. Exfoliating it off and not reapplying was actually a very empowering feeling, and made me feel good.
But to each to their own. If you want to fake tan, then you go for it. I will definitely fake tan again at some point in my life, but I also want to try and feel confident without it!
Thank you for reading <3
Whether this post helped you in feeling less body conscious, or just made you feel like you are not the only person feeling these things, I hope it helped.
I know exactly how you feel and I am here with you.
This blog and what bigsisterera.com is all about, is showing you that I am just a girl in my 20s going through life the exact same as you.
I may not have the best advice, but I will always share what helps me in the hopes it can help you.
It is also to show that you are not alone in any of your feelings.
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