Are you wanting a 30 day wellness challenge so you can be feeling your best this autumn? Me too girl, me too. So let’s do it together!
I can guarantee that this little challenge is going to make you feel amazing this autumn and winter, and it doesn’t have to be super restrictive or make you feel like a failure if you fall off track.
I am going to tailor this challenge to what I’m needing at the minute, but all of these things, if you don’t do them already, will benefit you and you will notice a difference.
There will be daily, weekly and monthly things that you will keep track of, if you just want the checklist and don’t want to go through the benefits of actually doing these things, scroll to the bottom straight to the checklist.
1. Reflecting & checking in with yourself
Step one of this 30 day wellness challenge is checking in with yourself.
It’s normal for you to check in with the people you love. Asking how they’re doing, how they’re feeling, etc, but it’s not as normal to check in with yourself.
Checking in with yourself allows you to actually see and feel what your body needs and you can then give yourself what you need, feeling better overall.
I am very bad with waking up in the morning, and feeling an overpowering wave of anxiety. It’s like i’m looking for things that I need to be anxious about.
Taking 2 minutes to check in with myself, breathe deeply and tell myself that everything is okay, is going to change my mindset for the whole day.
So how can you check in with yourself:
- Journal. Journaling is such a good way to check in with yourself and see how everything is.
- And you don’t have to put pen to paper if you don’t want to journal. You can talk to your phone, you can use your notes app, you can bullet point things, you can talk to yourself, you can talk to someone. Anything that allows you to get your thoughts out and take a second to see how you’re feeling is what it’s all about.
- Taking moments throughout the day to take 5 deep breaths and focus on how you’re feeling in that moment.
- Tracking your cycle. Knowing what phase of your cycle you’re in is going to help you understand why you’re feeling the way you’re feeling and how you can tune in to your body.
2. Drink more water
I’m sure you’ll have heard this every single time there’s a wellness checklist, but that’s because it really does make you feel better.
I have definitely been slacking and I can definitely feel it.
So get your cute water bottles, decorate them if need be, and drink your 2 litres + per day (or whatever is a healthy amount for you).
I really do notice a difference in my skin and overall health when i’m consistent with my water intake. It truly does make me feel like I am glowing within!
3. Eating more of what’s going to make me feel good (well balanced meals)
One of the most important steps in this 30 day wellness challenge is eating more of what makes you feel good, rather than taking away all of the things that make you feel ‘bad’.
I have really been lacking with eating what’s going to make me feel good.
When I first went on my cycle syncing journey, it was really the start of me taking care of my body and giving it exactly what it wants and needs.
I honour my cravings, and I make sure to eat balanced meals that keep me satiated and full.
Recently, I feel like I have started choosing options that I know don’t make me feel good when I have them too often. Paired with also not choosing food options that make me feel good inside. So it’s a whole overload of food that I love, but only make me feel good when I’m eating balanced.
I hope that paragraph made sense, I really am brain dumping here.
So my goal here, and a goal that would make you feel better, is eating well balanced meals.
For example, with every meal, having protein, fats, carbs and micronutrients.
When I eat like this, I feel good, and it makes me enjoy my cravings that much more, and feel guilt free.
Eating like this really did make a difference in my relationship with food!
4. Cycle Syncing my workouts
A big part of this 30 day wellness challenge is going to be cycle syncing.
Because I have been lacking on staying in tune with my body and checking in with myself, as well as not eating well balanced, I have became a lot more judgemental of my body.
I notice I have been choosing my workouts, and researching workouts, that are ‘proven’ to make me lose weight, and make me look a certain way. These goals are okay to have, but I have not been coming from a place of love, I have been choosing my workouts out of a place of hate for my body.
So what is cycle syncing your workouts?
Cycle syncing your workouts is choosing your workout based on where you are in your cycle.
For example, in your follicular phase when you naturally feel better and more energetic, you can schedule in workouts that push you harder, maybe you want to weight train and lift heavy, or go to an intense boxing class.
Whereas in your luteal phase, you naturally feel more sluggish and tired, so this is a great time to schedule in workouts that are more low impact and gentle, like pilates, yoga, or walking.
Cycle syncing your workouts really does go hand in hand with checking in with your body, and doing what your body needs and feels.
So with me slacking on checking in with myself, it has had a knock on effect to me pushing myself too hard or not hard enough and also talking to myself negatively.
5. Read more
In this 30 day wellness challenge, I want to continue reading more!
The only thing that gets me off social media and mindlessly scrolling on my phone, is a good book.
If I am INTO a book, my social media presence and screen time will fall off the face of the earth.
(As well as a good show by the way – if you don’t like reading, a good show can really get you off mindlessly scrolling)
I much prefer my days and my mood, when I’m reading more. I feel like I’m actually doing something that’s good for my brain when I read, rather than scrolling on social media.
All of you have probably experienced the feeling of guilt and regret when you have spent hours mindlessly scrolling on social media.
Reading before bed can also help you sleep better because it’s like a little ritual where you’re winding down and getting cosy with a good book.
If you scroll on social media before bed, especially TikTok, your constantly scrolling and your brain is trying to process everything and keep up with all of the information it’s taking in as you keep swiping. So by the time you try to sleep your brain is frazzled and going 100 miles per hour.
I have MANY book recommendations for you that you can check out here:
Although I do have to update this with the books I have read recently that I do recommend, so I will list those here:
- Fourth Wing and Iron Flame. If you read ANYTHING from this list, please read these. When I tell you that this is now one of my favourite all time books, I am not lying. Yes the series is unfinished, BUT it means we can re read this every time the next book comes out, which I am not mad about!
- Serpent and Dove series. I have a whole post dedicated to this series in case you want to read them! I went in with no expectations and thoroughly enjoyed the series!
- The Pumpkin Spice Cafe. Incase you’re not a fan of fantasy books, this is a great one, especially in Autumn! I have just finished this one and I really enjoyed it, it was a cute, easy read that got me in the Autumn mood!
- Lovelight Farms. With all of these books i’ve recommended above, it’ll probably be winter / Christmas time, and this is the perfect, easy read, Christmas book.
Daily, weekly and monthly checklist:
- Multiple 5 deeps breaths per day to stay present and check in with yourself.
- Drink 2 litres per day (or whatever is a healthy amount for you).
- Add one food to every meal that’s going to make your body feel good.
- Read / less screen time everyday.
- Track your cycle. I use the app called ‘stardust’.
- Journal. Set aside time every week to delve deeper into how you’re feeling.
- Planning my workouts based on the phase of my cycle I’m in. It is easier to do this when you know what phase you’re in.
- Set weekly reading goals. There’s nothing better than accomplishing your goals, so setting a reading goal could motivate you read more. You could also reward yourself with more books if you’re hitting your reading target.
- 1 monthly reset / evaluation. This is a good time to see what is working well and what things you could change. Maybe you go through all of your daily / weekly journal entries and see what has made you feel good and what has made you feel bad.
- Evaluate how you have done with your goals every month. Are you drinking enough water? Are you checking in with yourself? If you aren’t, ask yourself why that is and what’s getting in your way.
Thank you for reading <3
At the end of this challenge, hopefully you are all feeling slightly better in yourselves!
This is a 30 day wellness challenge of small, manageable steps, that all add up to you feeling your best!
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